Newnham Associates - Newnham College, Cambridge

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Helen Mussell

I returned to full time academia after a +12yr commercial career, so if a possible career change is on your cards, I may be a useful person to contact! I worked in business development and strategic relationship management for industries including telecommunications, media publishing, and supply chain logistics. Having a broad knowledge of feminist theory from my BA degree, I then used this (many years later!) to help me situate the research of my MPhil & PhD – which is a gender analysis of contemporary business ethics (corporate social responsibility) using feminist philosophy and feminist economics.

Returning to study as a mature student (+35yrs) means I can not only offer a unique perspective of what it is like to transition from corporate to academe, but also offer a view of the benefits and challenges of doing it when older than most.

So if you are interested in business development commercial insight, contemporary issues concerning business ethics, feminist theory, gender issues in business and leadership, or thinking about returning to study at a later date, then do get in touch!

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